In this section you’ll find answers to some of the questions we frequently get asked about travelling in Sweden. We’ve tried to cover as much as possible and will be adding to this list all the time but if there’s anything you can’t find here, just head over to our forum and post a question there.
- How do I find long-term rental accommodation in Sweden?
- Is Airbnb legal in Sweden?
- Are there many hostels in Sweden?
- Do I need a padlock for Swedish hostels?
- Do Swedish hostels provide bed linen?
- Are bedbugs a problem in Sweden?
Food and drink
- Can I drink the tap water in Sweden?
- Is the food safe to eat in Sweden?
- Will I find vegetarian/vegan food in Sweden?
- Will I find gluten- and lactose-free food in Sweden?
Health and safety
- Is Sweden safe?
- What's the number for the police/ambulance/fire brigade in Sweden?
- Can I trust the police in Sweden?
- Seeing a doctor in Sweden
- How do I see a dentist in Sweden?
- Is medical care in Sweden any good?
- Do I need travel insurance for a trip to Sweden?
- Is Sweden expensive?
- What's a good daily budget for Sweden?
- What's the best way to send money to/from Sweden?
- Can I still pay with cash in Sweden?
- What currency do they use in Sweden?