Fancy exploring the countryside near Lund? You could go hiking, or simply hire a car and take a road trip past the wind farms and flower-filled meadows. But on a sunny summer’s day, pedalling an odd bike-like contraption along this old railway line is way more fun – and gives you the chance to see stretches of forest and farmland that most tourists whizz straight past on long-distance buses.
The story starts back in 1980, when a scenic stretch of railway track east of Lund fell into disrepair and quickly became overgrown. Without heavy freight trains passing by, it was easy for nature to take over. But locals decided to keep the rails passable anyway – not for trains, but for the much smaller cycles that railroad workers once used when checking the track for problems.
Today, riding along these rails is one of the most unusual and rewarding days out near Lund. Swedish families have known about it for years and regularly turn up at the start point armed with picnics, but your chances of spotting another foreign visitor out here are still pretty slim.

Want to give it a go?
There are a dozen or so of these odd bicycles – called a dressin in Swedish – available for hire in the little village of Björnstorp, around 20km southeast of Lund. From there you can pedal along a 9km-long section of track, admiring the scenery as you go, before reaching the edge of another village, Veberöd, and turning back around.
Along the way you’ll pass through sections of cool beech forest, and ride along the top of low ridges, which separate the muddy fields. You’ll see cows and horses but may also glimpse roe deer, colourful butterflies and eagles (they seem to circle overhead when you cycle past, but shouldn’t cause you any problems).

Practical stuff
The cycles are rented out from a little red hut beside the rails in Björnstorp, and are available every day between April and October. There are three sessions to choose from:
1) 9am–12.45pm
2) 1pm–4.45pm
3) 5pm–8.45pm
These sessions give you plenty of time to cycle all the way to Veberöd and back at a relaxed pace, and should also allow you a good hour for a break, in case you fancy stopping for some food or drinks along the way (there are picnic benches halfway to Veberöd, but you’ll need to bring your own supplies).
Each cycle has room for two adults and a child – one person does the cycling while the others can sit on a little sidecar and soak up the views. You can stop whenever you like to take photos or pick flowers. If you meet someone cycling in the opposite direction, the best solution is to gather up your stuff, switch cycles, and then turn each bike around so that they are facing the correct way – they’re pretty heavy, so you don’t want to be lifting them over long distances.

You may be able to just turn up in Björnstorp and get a cycle, but our advice is to call ahead and reserve one, especially if you’re visiting in July or August, when Swedes take their summer holidays. The number you need is: +46 (0) 705 747 622.
A quick tip: even if you’ve booked, you may find that there’s no one around at the start point to get you on your way. If that happens, just walk uphill towards the houses – the manager lives in the big red one up ahead and is used to people knocking on his door.
The damage
Renting a cycle for one session costs 250 SEK, regardless of how many people are sharing. Just pay the manager when you arrive and he’ll show you how to accelerate and brake. The handlebars you can see in the pictures don’t really do anything, except for giving you somewhere to rest your arms.
Getting there
Björnstorp is around 20km southeast of Lund – the easiest way to get there is to drive (follow road 102 to Dalby, and then take road 11).
No car? You can take yellow bus 160 from Lund’s Central Station to the stop called Knivsåsen (around 30 min) and then walk 15 min south to the start point. Buses run roughly every 15 min in both directions (or every 30 min in the evening). The whole journey should cost you around 35 SEK. Our guide to using Lund’s public transport network has all the info you need on paying for journeys.
Romeleåsen Dressincykling
Near Lund
+46 (0) 705 747 622