Stora Saluhallen

Overall 8

Stock up for a picnic


First opened in the late 1800s, Gothenburg’s copper-roofed indoor market known as Stora Saluhallen has long served as a central place for local people to buy food. It underwent a major renovation between 2009 and 2012 but retained many of its original features, including the wonderful vaulted ceiling.

These days nearly everyone buys the bulk of their weekly shopping at the supermarket. Consequently, the stalls here are mostly aimed at the top end of things – for those who want a special cut of meat, some nice cheese, or some fresh crayfish for a dinner party.

Stora Saluhallen, Gothenburg

The prices are high in Stora Saluhallen, and so is the quality. You’ll find loads of fresh, organic ingredients laid out behind polished glass cabinets, with almost every stall specialising in just one or two different types of food. There are stalls selling stinky cheeses, pungent spices, game, coffee, air-dried meat (including elk), and juicy berries.

Some of the shopkeepers also provide bar stools so customers can sit and eat a sandwich or meal at the counter and enjoy the buzz of the market around them. If you’d rather not eat in the market, just grab a few cheap supplies – some fresh bread, cheese and olives, maybe – and walk a few hundred metres south to Kungsparken, where you can have a picnic among the sculptures.

Stora Saluhallen
Mon–Fri 9am–6pm, Sat 9am–4pm


Last updated: September 2014

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