Is Finland a socialist country?

Finland is often held up as a model of success. With universal health care and an overall high standard of living, it’s ranked as one of the happiest countries in the world.

Finland is regularly ranked as one of the happiest countries in the world.
Ninara (CC)

Generally, things run smoothly and efficiently here, and it seems like Finland is a country that has a knack for getting things right.

So why do things just seem to ‘work’ in Finland? And is Finland really a socialist country?

What makes a country socialist? 

A socialist country, simply put, is one in which the means of production, distribution and exchange are owned and controlled by the community as a whole, typically through the government. 

Finland has good healthcare for older people
Finland has good healthcare and a high standard of living.

The goal of socialism is to create an equal society by evenly spreading wealth and resources across society and ensuring that the basic needs of all citizens are met. 

In a socialist country, the government plays a significant role in the economy and provides many services to its citizens.

This can include things like health care, education and housing. It may all sound like a great idea but socialism does have its downsides, too.

One of the disadvantages of socialism is that the government holds a large amount of power over both the people and the economy.

Because the government has significant control, it can lead to limited economic freedom for businesses, for example.

It’s worth noting that there are different types of socialism, with some models being more state-controlled than others.

It’s also possible for a country to have some socialist policies but not be considered a socialist country overall.

So, is Finland really socialist?

Well, no. Finland is not considered a socialist country, but it does have some elements of socialism in its system.

Like its neighbour Sweden, Finland has a mixed economy, which means that it combines elements of both capitalism and socialism.

Finland follows the Nordic Model of government
Ninara (CC)

The country has a strong welfare state that provides universal health care and a comprehensive social security system. 

The government also plays an active role in the economy, investing in areas such as education and infrastructure.

Additionally, the country has a progressive taxation system, which means that the wealthy are taxed at a higher rate than the poor.

Overall, Finland’s economic and political system can be described as a form of social democracy, which combines elements of socialism and capitalism. 

It’s a system that aims to create a balance between economic growth and social welfare, with the government playing a pivotal role in ensuring that the basic needs of all citizens are met.

What is the difference between socialism and democratic socialism?

As we learned, the government in a socialist state controls a large part of society. 

In democratic socialism, individuals have more control over society as opposed to the government. Through fair voting and elections, people have more influence over the lives they live. 

How socialist is Finland compared to its Nordic neighbours?

Finland’s system is similar to that of its Nordic neighbours, such as Sweden, Denmark, and Norway.

All these countries have mixed economies that combine elements of capitalism and socialism. This is known as the Nordic Model.

Childcare provision is good in Finland
Childcare provision is good in Finland

However, there may be differences in the specifics of their policies and how their welfare systems are implemented. 

While there may be some differences in the specifics of their policies in individual countries, the Nordic countries are generally considered to be among the most socially democratic in the world.

What is the Nordic Model?

The Nordic Model is the economic and social system that all the Nordic countries follow. This system ensures a high standard of living and low income disparity. 

A few features of the Nordic Model include providing universal health care, education and a range of social services, and implementing progressive taxation and labour protections. 

Finland has an excellent education system.
Finland has an excellent education system.

The goal of the Nordic Model is to provide economic growth while ensuring a high standard of living and social equality for all citizens.

Many scholars have cited the Nordic Model as a role model for economic opportunity and equality.

Although the model gets a lot of criticism as well, the Nordic Model is often cited as one of the most efficient ways to balance economic growth and social welfare.

Finland’s system in particular is considered to be one of the most successful examples of the model.

Was Finland in the Soviet Union?

The Soviet Union, under the leadership of Joseph Stalin, is often considered one of the most infamous examples of a socialist government in history.

Although during World War II, the Soviet Union did invade and occupy parts of Finland, Finland itself was never a part of the Soviet Union and remained an independent country.

Why is Finland so progressive?

Several factors contribute to Finland’s progressive society.  One feature is the country’s strong welfare system which provides universal access to healthcare, education and other essential services. 

Finland's youngest ever Prime Minister is Sanna Marin
Finland’s Prime Minister, Sanna Marin / Laura Kotila (CC)

Finland also exceeds other countries in terms of a high standard of living, low poverty rates and a long life expectancy.

It consistently ranks very highly in global surveys of human development and well-being.

Additionally, gender equality is a core value in Finland and the country has a high proportion of women in leadership positions and the workforce. 

Education is also a key factor in Finland’s progressiveness, and it is considered to have one of the best education systems in the world with a focus on equal opportunities for all students.

Finland’s current Prime Minister, Sanna Marin, is considered to be a progressive leader.

She is a member of the Social Democratic Party and has pushed for several progressive policies such as prioritising education and social services, reducing income inequality and addressing climate change.

It seems like overall Finland is a very well-rounded country with a lot of things going for it. After all, Finns are some of the happiest citizens in the world – in no small part because of the benefits  and support they receive from the state.

Perhaps the rest of the world should take a few hints from their success. 

See also:
Is Sweden a socialist country?
What is Finland famous for?
The weather in Finland and when to visit

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Balen Azez
Balen Azez
8 months ago

I’ve lived in Finland for over 30 years, only recently I realised Finland is in fact a mostly communist state, despite the different and often confusing naming of socialistic systems. The state owns 90% of everything, and whenever you hear “private” here in Finland, it’s private in a sense that it’s owned by cities and districts. Just around 10 years ago, the communistic laws were so ridiculous that no businesses were allowed during public holidays, sometimes even groceries were forced to shutdown for successive days. Some of these laws have been changed since then, but the system is still deeply… Read more »

Tomi Rey-Yuru
Tomi Rey-Yuru
1 year ago

It has one mistake: social democracy and democratic socialism are two different things. Therefore, Finland might be social democracy, but not democratic socialism.