Last night is a big blur, but you suspect you might have drunk the Carlsberg brewery dry. That familiar hangover feeling is creeping up and you need help – fast. Follow our step-by-step guide and you’ll soon get rid of what the Danes call tømmermænd, (literally, ‘lumberjacks in your head’).

Where to get reyhdrated
Drinking water is a good start, but a freshly pressed juice is an even better option when it comes to speeding up the recovery process and getting some vitamins into your system.
Smoothies and other healthy potions
At Big Apple, on the corner of Krystalgade and Fiolstræde, you can heal body and soul with a lemon-celery “Purifier” or an apple and chilli “Toxin Blaster”.
Otherwise, try the no-nonsense “Hangover Helper” smoothie from Vita Boost (inside the Torvehallerne food hall), which mixes tomato and celery with ginger and pineapple.
Herbal tea
Coffee shops are everywhere in Copenhagen but if you want to avoid caffeine, opt for some herbal tea. Visit the cosy Sing Tehus at Kompagnistræde 30, where the ginger and lemon infusion will give you a little energy boost. Or go for the Matcha tea, made following Japanese tradition, which should help you get those toxins out of your body a little faster.
At Tante T, also inside the Torvehallerne food hall, we recommend the green mint tisane to soothe your stomach and freshen that beery breath. If none of that herbal stuff inspires you, they also serve a mean English breakfast tea.
Weird Danish alternatives
The Danes have their own little secret weapon when it comes to fighting a hangover: Matilde chocolate milk. Next time you see young Danes with cartons of it in the morning, you’ll know what’s up.
If Sprite is your favoured weapon of choice against a hangover, try local soft drink Faxe Kondi – it’s sweet, caffeinated and bubbly.

Is the Copenhagen Card worth buying?
Read this guide to see how much you could save during your trip!
Where to eat with a hangover in Copenhagen
Get some food in that body! Bread and bananas help some people, while bacon does wonders for others. Whatever you feel like eating, these places will help you along the road to recovery.
Brunch buffets
You can keep a whole group of hungover pals happy by checking out one of Copenhagen’s best brunch places. Dalle Valle at Fiolstræde 3-5 is a great value-for-money option – you pay 70 DKK for a buffet with various hot and cold dishes, plus pastries, fruit, and more.
Table service
If choosing what to eat and carrying your own plate of food is too much of an effort with a hangover, head to Kalaset at Vendersgade 16, where you can just point to a set breakfast or brunch menu with eggs, bread, muesli, vegetables or meat, as well as homemade pancakes. Kick back and let their friendly staff do the rest. It’s open from 10am on weekends.
Healthy stuff
If you woke up with that ‘never again’ feeling and want to start fresh and clean, have some healthy food at 42RAW (Pilestræde 32). It’s an organic, raw and vegan café – you’ll find gluten-free versions of plenty of favourite dishes, including pancakes and pizza.
Fast food
If you’re craving greasy food, head over to Max at Gammeltorv 4. This Swedish fast-food chain offers delicious burgers without any nasty stuff.
Otherwise, try a kebab or falafel at Five Star Shawarma, arguably the best of its kind in town (pro tip: one of these snacks can also be consumed the night before to avoid having to read this article again). It’s at Nørrebrogade 100.
Hangover-busting activities in Copenhagen
Is it time to shake off the cobwebs? Want that hangover to finally disappear? Make the effort to try these activities – you’ll thank us for it later.
Go for a dip
A nice swim will wake you up a bit and get the blood moving. If it’s not too cold, take a dip at Islands Brygge. It’s completely free.
Sweat it out
If swimming doesn’t appeal, go for a blast of hot, dry heat – at public baths such as Vandkulturhuset and Frederiksberg Svømmehal, you can jump in a sauna and sweat out those toxins. A warning: just like in Sweden, you will probably see a lot of naked people, but if you’re feeling a little shy you can cover up with a towel.
Remember to take regular breaks and to drink plenty of water afterwards – alternate between the sauna and a cold shower and you’ll be feeling like a new person in no time at all.
Do some exercise
Exercise can sometimes help to lift a hangover. Obviously, cross fit is out of the question, but a yoga class might be what your aching body needs. Try a “Warm Yin” class at the Hot Yoga Centre.
Much gentler than Bikram, this class is practiced at a temperature of 30C and involves holding postures for several minutes at a time, which claims to soothe your sore party feet and even help detox your organs. Too much effort? You can always practice your corpse pose.

Relaxing in Copenhagen
If all you want to do is stay in bed but you need to check out before noon, grab your pillow and go somewhere quiet and nap-friendly.
Fresh air is good for you right now, so head over to a nice secluded outdoor area such as the Landbohøjskolens Have in Frederiksberg and lay under a magnificent magnolia tree.
Another option is to head to the The Royal Library Garden, a hidden sanctuary of peace and quiet behind the Black Diamond Library, where (if you’re sneaky enough) you can also take a snooze on one of the couches. Falling asleep behind a book will make it look like you spent all night studying, not downing shots of Gammel Dansk.
Other hangover-friendly options include Paludan, a quiet bookstore and café in the city centre familiar to students. It’s at Fioletræde 10–12. Otherwise go incognito at the Navnløs Kaffebar in Vesterbro, where hides a cosy living-room like café with comfy armchairs and no daylight. There are more suggestions for cool, quiet cafés here.
Hair of the dog
If you wake up from your nap still feeling horrible, the last resort is what the Danes call reparationsbajer (literally, ‘repair beer’).
Choose a light brew such as this beer, released by the Danish brewery To Øl after a lot of research and self-testing. It’s a nice way to ease into the evening if you’re planning on hitting the pubs again tonight. Not that we’d recommend anything of the sort…
Great website. Every article is full of sense of humor and information. Thanks a lot
Thanks very much, Berk! Your comment means a lot 🙂