Boules and beers at Boulebar What could make drinking in Stockholm more fun? Ah, oui: a lovely game of boules. Francophiles flock to this roomy…
Hallwylska Museet Taking architectural cues from renaissance buildings in Spain and Italy, this lavish inner-city palace was built for an ultra-rich count…
Historiska Historiska is a vast 1930s museum nestled in one of the quietest, wealthiest parts of central Stockholm. It’s an absolute…
Humlegården Just steps from some of the busiest roads in central Stockholm, Humlegården is a real breath of fresh air. Way…
Medelhavsmuseet For decades this extravagant building, modelled on an Italian palace, was used as a bank. Today it’s been put to…
Kungsträdgården Kungsträdgården – the King’s Garden – is a handsome sliver of greenery in the heart of modern Stockholm. It’s more…
Gallerian One of the best places to go shopping in Stockholm is Gallerian, the big indoor mall just east of Sergels…